


Blue Invest Group is an investment firm committed to supporting companies with the potential to optimize aquaculture.

KEY Milestones

Founded in 2019, Blue Invest Group AS is a small but engaged Investment company helping a few selected businesses scale their impact on the sustainable utilization of marine resources.


We primarily focus on aquaculture. Our portfolio includes companies like AUAR AS, Probotic AS, NOR Maritime Service AS and NORMS AS, who are making strides in aquaculture.

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At Blue Invest Group AS, our primary objective is to foster innovation and drive aquaculture forward. Our investments are strategically targeted towards companies committed to technology and solutions that enhance aquaculture. Our goal is to make aquaculture more sustainable so it can be more widely adopted and grow faster so aquaculture can take a wider pie of all food production. Hopefully this also leads to some returns on investments...

Blue Invest Group AS invests in companies that are committed to improving aquaculture.


Investments, Implementing proven Company Systems and strategic help with a lot of aquaculture industry knowledge.